Victory by Immigration

Last week, the Mayor of Rome officially opened the Mausoleum of Augustus to the public.  The ashes of our greatest emperor were interred there in A.D. 14 as well as an engraved summary of his career called the Res Gestae (“Things Accomplished”).  Both his...


CNN’s Searching for Italy, the weekly food-travel series with actor Stanley Tucci, visited Rome on Feb. 21st and Bologna on Feb. 28th. Although I considered the first episode, set in Naples, to be routine, the episodes on Rome and Bologna showed a wee uptick of...

Rome Under Siege

Why are the utopian Left and our immaculate minorities intent on uprooting Western Civilization?  It’s all about “White Supremacy.”  You cannot build a utopian society from a fragmented and diverse population unless you control Euro-American history – that...

Stamp of Approval

At a time when Americans are so sadly split between political divides, it’s nice to recall a well-known American who unified everyone: Lawrence Peter Barra, better known by his baseball name, “Yogi.” The month of January was so tumultuous – with the...

Back to Normal

I wonder if New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is sad that Donald Trump is no longer president.  Before January 20th, New York’s Covid-19 nursing home death toll (15,000) could be conveniently blamed on Trump, with the media’s blessing. Was it a coincidence that...