George Kaufman famously averred that “Satire is what closes on Saturday night.” But what about SNL?

In skewering Andrew Cuomo over his mishandling of the COVID-19 nursing-home controversy, Michael Che quipped: “New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, who looks like all three Goodfellas at once, said he hopes to legalize marijuana next month. Cuomo is hoping marijuana will provide New Yorkers a safe, effective way to forget about the nursing-home stuff.”

This is risible? Lambasting the governor for his policy failures is fair game, but perpetuating loathsome stereotypes is not.

Yet anti-Italian tropes have long been a staple on a show that aspires to cutting-edge satire.

In a Weekend Update segment that aired in March 2020, Colin Jost was startled that someone who sounds like Dr. Anthony Fauci would be so knowledgeable. According to the author of A Very Punchable Face, people with such an accent usually holler: “Yo, I’m gonna break your knee caps.”

Jost hails from the much-maligned outer borough of Staten Island. And in a memoir, he underscores his Italophobic tendencies: “In reality, ‘Jersey Shore’–types make up only a very small percentage (40%) of Staten Island’s population,” Jost wrote. “The rest are grounded, hardworking, normal-speaking humans, who almost never stand outside their house shaking a rolling pin and yelling, ‘I’m a-gonna a-kill you!’”

Later that year, one skit featured Beck Bennett, Pete Davidson, Mikey Day, Alex Moffat and Kyle Mooney sporting Sopranos-Godfather-Goodfellas garb and hairstyles. (Davidson, another Staten Islander, more closely resembled an imbecilic Jerry Lewis.)

All of the goomba gangsters spoke Neanderthalese, a guttural patois SNL’s writers believe denotes Italianness. The purported humor hinged on the crime family’s capo — guest host Bill Burr — who was flummoxed by the gang’s sudden burst of political correctness. (Punkie Johnson played a newly minted African-American mobster.)

But wait, there’s more. On April 8, 2017, in the “Tenement Museum” sketch, Louis C.K. and Kate McKinnon were reenactors depicting an immigrant Polish couple in New York City circa 1913. The studio audience laughed uproariously when C.K. moaned about the paucity of career opportunities in Gotham: “There are no good jobs. They have all been taken by the filthy greaseball Italians.” To which Kate McKinnon’s character replied, “Mitchell! Shame on you. It’s not their fault that they are greasy. That’s just how God made them.”

Teacher Vanessa Bayer then interjected: “That’s just how God made them. All horny, knuckle-dragging monkey grinders? I’m not sure this is okay for my students to hear.” But the museum’s curator, Cecily Strong, reassured Bayer that this depiction was “100 % historically accurate.” McKinnon continued the calumnies, noting how “everyone knows Italians are not really white people.” Louis C.K. noted that to brainwash an Italian “you give him an enema.” And the audience’s guffaws grew louder when McKinnon explained why Italy is shaped like a boot: “Do you think they could fit that much crap into a shoe?”

Though Kenan Thompson later exposed the inherent bigotry of the two reenactors, this sketch wasn’t a Norman Lear-like send-up of nativism. Nor was it satire. No, Saturday Night Live allowed viewers to indulge in schadenfreude. Rather than reviling the skit’s odious characters, the studio audience reveled in the skit’s anti-Italian intolerance.

Today, Michael Che is under fire for uttering a bon mot that some see as anti-Semitic (February 20. 2021): “Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population, and I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half.” Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan has called on SNL to apologize, tweeting: “I’m a big fan of humor, but perpetuating anti-Semitism is just not funny.”

Che may well issue an apology. Given the suffering of the Jewish people over the centuries, such a mea culpa is warranted.  However, will Lorne Michaels, Colin Jost, Michael Che and others apologize to the scions of Italy for their show’s long history of perpetuating crude anti-Italian intolerance? -RAI

[This opinion piece was published on-line in the NY Daily News edition of 23 February 2021]