Last week, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter (BLM) stated that much of their organization’s $90 million income since its inception came from “white guilt.”  In other words, wealthy Whites and White-dominated corporations needed to buy forgiveness for “systemic racism.”

As an honorary White person – Italian Americans were inducted into this august category only a few decades ago – I choose not to beg for (or pay for) penance for another group’s sins.  The way I see it, the real sinners are White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) – the original “Whites”.  They may try to deflect all their sins onto an Italian explorer and the year 1492, but Black folks have recently come up with a more appropriate year and event: 1619, the year the first Black slaves were purchased by English settlers.  Let’s take a walk down memory lane.

Italian explorer John Cabot claimed eastern North America for England in 1497.  In 1607, English settlers planted the first colony in Virginia.  By 1619, the heat got to these sun-burned farmers and they begged Parliament for Black slaves who were assumed to be sun and heat-resistant.  Slavery of all races was a universal business at the time, but Muslim Arabs had discovered the mother lode of slaves in sub-Saharan Africa.  From the 7th Century to modern times, Muslims enslaved by one count 14 million Blacks.  Europeans came late to this African slave business, around the 1400s.  According to Prof. Louis Gates of Harvard, of the 10.7 million Africans who survived the slave ships to the New World only about 388,000 were American WASP purchases.

There was a reason why sub-Saharan Africa was an endless reservoir of slaves.  Despite all the historical spin and euphemism, Black Africa was a backward tribal hodgepodge.  It was the Arabs who opened it to trade, religion, and civilization.  But metal weapons, tools, and pots had to be paid for with gold or slaves, the only commodities the outside world wanted from the primitive continent.  African chiefs already bartered in slaves and were persuaded to convert to Islam as an excuse to enslave even more fellow Blacks as “infidels”.  In turn, the Arabs took the slaves and gelded the males to avoid racial “confusion” in the Middle East.  (There’s a reason the Middle East has few racial problems and the United States is awash in them.)

By contrast, the keen Anglos viewed castrating Black males as bad business when reproducing them was akin to compound interest – doubling their capital investment forever.  Moreover, these wily scions of the British Isles had no qualms about raping Black females and adding the resulting issue to their slave inventory – cotton was thicker than blood!  So, from 388,000 imported slaves, we now have 47 million Blacks – again according to Prof. Gates, the average Black is 25% “white”.  But give credit where it is due, they’re overwhelming part-WASP, in effect “Afro-Saxons”. 

With this knowledge, the question becomes: why should Italian Americans, or Irish-, German-, Polish-, Jewish- and so many other Euro-Americans bear “White Guilt.”  Slavery was outlawed before many of our forebears came, and earlier arrivals – like the Irish and Germans – actually fought to free the slaves.  Nor did we invent Jim Crow or the KKK.  In fact, a good number of Italians were lynched by these defenders of Anglo America.  Although we admittedly shared the racist benefits of an Anglo world, they didn’t open every door – we had our own “do not apply” Anglo bigotry at schools, corporations, government, and the professions…and may still have. 

In 1989, the media latched on to a perfect replacement for WASP bigotry: Bensonhurst, that Brooklyn neighborhood where a Black youth was murdered by an 18-year old Italian American.  It was the George Floyd media extravaganza of its day.  Instead of police racism it was northern White racism with an Italian face.  Forget Jim Crow, the New South was paradise compared to walking in an Italian neighborhood.  Nothing subtle about Italian bigotry – Al Sharpton was greeted with a display of watermelons as he protested.  The news media went wild:  “Guidoville” blared the NY Post headline; “A Tough Code in Defense of a Closed World” wrote the NYTimes; a producer for CBS News 60 Minutes, Alan Weisman, wrote an op-ed denouncing his deceased Italian grandfather for using the n-word.  The Anglos had passed the burning cross to a new crop of “Whites.”  It’s a questionable fraternity.

Unfortunately, there is little value left in the White brand. So, call me Euro-American, not White. -JLM