The year 2020 was annus horribilis for those of us who value tradition.  The newly minted and half-baked federal holiday called Juneteenth is one result.  It was born of two events last year that changed the direction of our Republic:  the murder of George Floyd and the Republican election defeat.

For many, Juneteenth opens the way for the elimination of Columbus Day as a national holiday.  Our nation now has one too many holidays, economically speaking.  Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin stated as much in his early opposition to Juneteenth, suggesting that Columbus Day be dropped to pay for Juneteenth.  Following that logic, there won’t be an open slot for Indigenous Peoples Day.   Tough luck perhaps for the natives!

Juneteenth is only the glossy part of the ultra-Left agenda that we were warned about before the election.  For those who didn’t take the warning seriously, believing Joe Biden a “moderate” Democrat, there must be some disappointment, if not buyer’s remorse.  If voters for Trump were in a “cult”, those who only judged Biden by the mainstream media were in a fog – and still are.  The fog doesn’t cover the news, it covers it up – including the border crisis, Biden’s mental health, or Hunter’s laptop.

Chances are you haven’t heard that federal courts have blocked Biden’s Executive Order that forgives loans carried by Black farmers, as racist.  Similarly, stimulus payments (read: “equity”) favoring Black businesses were also blocked as racist.  These financial giveaways are part of the reparations movement that is also pressing corporations to diversify (read: “quota”) their executive suites and boards with Blacks and other minorities.  Biden is staffing his administration’s legal and regulatory agencies with Black activists to “encourage” these quotas and equity giveaways.  It’s all in the struggle against “White Supremacy”, which President Biden and his Attorney General say is the #1 threat to our Republic.   The foggy news media dutifully echoes that anti-White message.

AT & T, Comcast, and Disney (CBS, NBC, and ABC NEWS, respectively) have yet to inform America of this nefarious drive for reparations.  Recently, Black staffer Charles Blow of the NYTimes renewed his call for cash reparations, to the tune of $153,000 per qualified Black, in addition to quotas, equity stakes, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory.  Blow, like the other Leftist Blacks, neglects to indicate whether obtaining these things would end Black demands.  Even Black conservatives are appalled by the endless wish list.

It’s as though Black activists think we are all White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, the guys and gals who purchased their ancestors from greedy Black chiefs in Africa and forced them to pick the cotton while raping their women.  Those same Southern WASPs fought the Civil War to keep them slaves, and started the KKK to keep them in poverty.  Do we all look alike?  Columbus certainly didn’t bring the first African slaves over.  Did late-arriving Italian Americans become “oppressors” because they feared block-busting?  Must we and the other late-comer European immigrants (or Asians and Hispanics) pay reparations for Master Jefferson and the rest? The irony is that almost every Black in this country has WASP DNA (nearly 20% on average).  Does that mean these mixed-race “victims” only get pro-rated reparations and equity?  The only people who should dicker over reparations are Blacks and their WASP cousins.

But, for this racist scam to work, the Biden regime must reeducate every level of society into believing all Whites, including late-coming Europeans, have been oppressors between 1619 – when the first slaves hit our shore – and this morning.  We must also believe that all Blacks have suffered, including Barack Obama and Megan Markle.  That’s where Critical Race Theory comes in.

Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo first exposed this reeducation program modeled on the teachings of another Italic journalist Antonio Gramsci (1891 – 1937).  Gramsci was a Sardinian-born Marxist who realized that Communism had little chance of success if the target people maintained its core values. “To capture the culture” was Gramsci’s solution to win the minds of his “victims” – to control the media (with plenty of fog), to suppress nationalism (aka “White supremacy”), to replace ideals (eg., 1492, 1776), and to revise history (destroy Columbus, inflate Juneteenth). We need look no further than our experience as Italian Americans to see firsthand how our cultural heritage has been hijacked by others, and our 3,000-year legacy easily filled with Mafia lore, street culture, and self-debasement. 

Gramsci’s theory was class-driven, this new version is race-driven. It’s one Italian import we don’t need. -JLM