President Eisenhower, a former general, warned us about the Military-Industrial Complex.  But, the last few years has given us another danger: the Corporate-Woke Complex – a multilateral movement to undermine democracy and subvert Western culture.

Standing in their way are two Italian Americans: investigative journalist Christopher Rufo and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  Both have been vilified by the Left and each day they grow in infamy.  Today’s NYTimes devoted half a page of prime news on Rufo, grudgingly acknowledging his singlehanded success in countering race and gender initiatives.

Last week, Rufo and DeSantis teamed up to confront Disney Corporation’s attack on Florida democracy.  It was provoked by the passing of a state law that prohibits schools from introducing gender issues to students K-3 (5- to 8-year-olds).  Corporations normally lobby legislatures or fund politicians in pursuit of corporate goals.  But there was no corporate goal involved for Disney or its shareholders.  Its CEO was intimidated by LGBTQ employees into challenging DeSantis and the Florida legislature in the name of “social justice” – another overworked term of the Left like “insurrection” and “White Supremacy.”  What Disney got for its rash venture into politics was disestablishment – the government of Florida took back control of 27,258 acres (42 sq. miles) of central Florida which Disney was granted in 1967.  In short, Disney went from a self-governing dictatorship – even able to build a nuclear power plant without permits – to just another amusement park.  Rufo supplied DeSantis with the skinny on Disney’s gender-obsessed employees, and Ron legally lowered the boom.

History may mark this event as another Shays’ Rebellion which led to our Constitution in 1787.  That insurrection in Massachusetts awakened the Founding Fathers to the need for a strong central government.  Disney and too many of our corporate giants have relocated our industrial base to Red China and are now seizing our political and cultural authority.  Witness the role Major League Baseball played in protesting the Georgia legislature’s 2021 Election Law, pulling the All Star Game from Atlanta and costing the city millions in revenue – that was a declaration of war, not a protest.

Mega corporations and tycoons like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Michael Bloomberg are funding the transformation of America.  Along with TV broadcasters AT & T (CBS), Comcast (NBC) and Disney (ABC) these transformers insure that the general public is protected from reality – news by omission, as I call it.  Hunter Biden’s laptop didn’t exist before the 2020 election, even though Rudy Giuliani revealed it to the press a month before.  The Left duped former CIA director Leon Panetta and 50 other “experts” into calling the laptop “Russian disinformation” without examining it.  Moreover, our chaotic southern border doesn’t rate notice on corporate media screens.

This week, a Texas National Guardsman went missing in the Rio Grande while trying to rescue two illegal aliens.  News worthy?  Not for CBS, NBC, or ABC because reporting such a thing would mean drawing attention to millions of illegals flooding our open border.  According to tele-journalist Maria Bartiromo this morning, those two illegal aliens have now been arrested for drug smuggling.  A missing, presumed dead Guardsman, why clutter the news?

DeSantis has been labelled a fascist, Rufo a racist (btw, he’s married to an Asian lady).  DeSantis has bucked every attempt to infringe on his authority and the sovereignty of his state.  He kept Florida open during most of the pandemic, saving the federal government millions in aid to his state.  (Governor Andrew Cuomo’s pandemic debacle in NYS cost the U.S. $334 million; Florida, with a similar population and death rate, was given $238 million.)

DeSantis and Rufo made opposition to Critical Race Theory in public schools a major issue.  Corporate media thought publicizing their “racism” would undo them.  Instead, parents across the nation responded to the alarm.  From Florida, the alarm went to Virginia where the “woke” governor was ousted by voters.

Also in today’s NYTimes, a half-page op-ed piece warns that Rufo’s attacks on gender issues in schools would lead inexorably to the elimination of public schools.  Can public schools survive when minority agendas supplant basic educational curricula?  Diligent Asian students are awakening to daily revelations that scholastic testing and merit-based admissions are being replaced by racial, gender, and diversity quotas.  Rufo is doing every community a favor by exposing these degradations.

Both DeSantis and Rufo are getting too hot to handle for corporate and woke America. -JLM