“America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani has had a couple of tough years.  It all started with his passionate loyalty to Donald Trump, first spearheading a fact-finding mission to Ukraine to expose the political and financial machinations of Hunter Biden, then to challenge the election of Joe Biden in 2020.  Talk about rabbit holes!

If there is anyone who has gone farther out on a limb for Donald Trump than Rudy, I can’t think of one.  His derring-do in carrying out his missions is more the stuff of a kamikaze pilot than personal attorney to the president – the actual authority he worked under.  The man who once raided Cosa Nostra dons was himself raided by FBI agents this month, who impounded all his computers and phones.  Seems that he may have violated a rarely enforced lobbying law – peddling influence for Ukrainian citizens.

Among Rudy’s other “sins” are uttering the words “trial by combat” at the infamous January 6th Capitol rally, and publicly questioning the Dominion voting machines used in the 2020 elections.  Dominion is suing him for $1.3 billion for the latter, but no one has indicted him for the three words…yet.

Among the computer equipment the feds did not seize in Giuliani’s apartment were the hard drives from Hunter Biden’s laptop that Rudy was given by a computer repair shop last year.  Those hard drives are the Rosetta Stone of Rudy’s case against the “Biden Crime Family”, as he calls the clan.  But, many of Rudy’s problems in going public stem from a strange lack of media interest (mainstream and social) in Hunter Biden.  It is no surprise that these media wanted a Trump defeat in 2020, going so far as to expunge the shocking Hunter laptop expose` by the NY Post from Facebook and Twitter.  The facts are that neither the expose` nor the laptop contents have been debunked.  But, instead of being the undoing of the Biden family, the hard drives may be the undoing of Rudy Giuliani.

English cartoonist Matt Davies predicted just that in a Newsday cartoon recently, showing Rudy digging his own grave in search of the Biden scandal.  During the election, not only did the media bury the laptop story, but the Democrats solicited fifty ex-spy guys – including former CIA head and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who knew squat about the issue – to “debunk” the laptop as “…Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election.” In fact, the FBI has had the original laptop since December, 2019 and has never labelled it, or its contents, “fake”.  And, as for the media, the closest question they have ever put to the Bidens about the issue was when a CBS reporter asked Hunter himself a few weeks ago.  The president’s son claimed his life was in such a drug fog that he didn’t remember anything, even if he had lost a laptop.  No follow-up questions! When Joe Biden was asked during an election debate, he quoted the Panetta, et al, letter as his evasive answer.

Giuliani, the ace prosecutor, must be beside himself.  His evidence shows Hunter Biden as the bagman, peddling political influence on three continents while his father was Vice President of the United States.  Emails and witnesses (especially Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski) abound on the hard drives indicating that Joe Biden was allowing son Hunter to feather the Biden family nest for Joe’s retirement in 2017.  He never expected to be talked into running for president in 2020 – he’d be the oldest man ever elected.  But, that’s exactly what happened.  So, Russia to the rescue!

The irony of ironies is that “Russian interference” has been part of the Democratic Party toolbox since Trump’s so-called “Russian” victory in 2016, and the 2-year Mueller Investigation.  Russia came to Joe Biden’s rescue again in 2020 against the Giuliani laptop revelations.  But amazingly, last week’s ransoming of the Colonial Pipe Line by Russian hackers had President Joe Biden quickly deflecting any criticism of Vladimir Putin as the mastermind.  You don’t want to overuse the Russia escape card!

Will Rudy Giuliani eventually get his man?  Can he survive the gauntlet? -JLM