Where will it all end?  Everyone is trying hard to make Euro-Americans an accursed race.  We invented slavery, stole everything from its rightful owners, and rig every system in our favor.  If you don’t believe that, just ask your grandkids.

 This is not an absurd notion.  New generations of Americans are exposed to an endless barrage of “white supremacy,” “white racism” and the intentional omission from corporate media of minority sins.  The new federal holiday of Juneteenth is merely the umpteenth way to institutionalize “white guilt.”  White Guilt has become a lucrative industry for a few Black and White entrepreneurs.  That lady with an Italian surname, Robin DiAngelo,  has written three books on the subject: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism; Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm; Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor.  She reportedly earns $14,000 per speech.  I saw her being interviewed once by a Black host as she repeatedly asked if she was offending her host in any way by her answers – now that’s White fragility!

Ibram X. Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers) is the high priest of White Guilt.  His 2020 bestseller How to Be an Antiracist, has earned him speaking fees of $20,000.  This morning, in an interview on CBS-TV he summed up his philosophy: “…kids understand bad rules. My daughter understands what’s not fair. And we can teach children that there’s bad rules in society, there are things that are not fair in society. And that’s why, let’s say black people have less, it’s not because they are less.”

Investigative reporter Christopher Rufo, who has singlehandedly exposed Kendi’s “teach kids” strategy – aka Critical Race Theory, which supposedly doesn’t exist – observes that Kendi has created his own monopoly in academic and corporate America.  From Harvard to the Fortune 500, Kendi preaches that reparations will address racism “once and for all.” Really?

The high priestess of White Guilt is Nikole Hannah-Jones who launched The 1619 Project as a special 2019 edition of The New York Times Magazine.   While Ibram Kendi contends society has bad rules for Blacks, Hannah-Jones claims American society was founded on bad rules – slavery.  Every Black misfortune dates back to slavery. (Or perhaps to that other June day – June 24th 1497 – when Giovanni Caboto claimed North America for England.)

It’s a shame that these race-mongers dominate the media, politics, and academia.  There are conservative Blacks who are only visible on YouTube or FOX News – real intellects like Dr. Thomas Sowell who knows more about slavery than Hannah-Jones, and don’t forget Ben Carson, M.D. and the former Housing Secretary under Trump.  There’s Candace Owens, Horace Cooper, Leo Terrell, and Larry Elder who was smeared as “the Black face of White Supremacy” by racist Blacks while campaigning for governor of California.  These men and woman are pariahs because they want Blacks to reflect on their own cultural shortcomings.  Pinning everything on Euro-Americans or the “system” is not the solution.

Every day we read about Blacks being more vulnerable to diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, certain cancers, et al.  The inference being that they are not getting equal healthcare, live in polluted neighborhoods, or are being denied this or that – more proof of systemic racism.  Read a bit further and you might see a sentence about their dietary habits or DNA disposition.  Here is what blackenterprise.com explains : “Heart disease: Is the leading cause of death for African Americans primarily due to lifestyle, diet, and the incidence of other co-morbidities (e.g., obesity, smoking, diet, excessive alcohol).”

The list of other diseases had the same warnings.  But, under the heading of “Unintentional Injuries,” the fifth leading cause of death for African Americans, it refers you to the CDC for details.  That CDC website reveals the fifth cause as Homicides: Black males have the highest rate at 34.9 per 100,000 victims.  It doesn’t blame cops or Euro-Americans. It hints of cultural failures. 

Why are 70% of Black births out of wedlock, leaving children fatherless?  Why is the Black abortion rate 36% when their population is 12%?  What is the drug and marijuana use among Blacks?  Shockingly, there’s a video of Black NYC Mayor-elect Eric Adams on the Stephen Colbert Show emptying his pockets of marijuana rolling papers like they were breath mints.  Black conservatives know where to look for ‘root causes’.                       

Juneteenth may be a good time for self-reflection rather than reparations. -JLM