A strange thought occurred to me this week.  Will Mother’s Day survive the Woke Revolution?  What is a “mother” anyway?  Shouldn’t it be called Birthing Person Day?  If Nature has been replaced by Identity, nothing should be assumed.

Everything is being reinvented – our culture, our language, our politics, and our thinking.  Instead of generations building on existing foundations, those foundations are being demolished.  Call it “reinventing the wheel” or “thinking outside the box”, our past is up for grabs.

I recall an Army joke lampooning Airborne Rangers – fellow soldiers who jumped out of perfectly good airplanes and preferred living in jungles rather than barracks.  Their ability to connect dots was questioned:

So, an Airborne Ranger wondered how far a frog would jump without a leg.  The Ranger found a bullfrog and trained it to jump at the command “Jump, frog, Jump!”  He then proceeded with the experiment: “On command, the normal frog jumped 4 feet.”  “Cut off one leg, frog jumped only 3 feet.” “With 2 legs frog jumped only 2 feet.”  “With one leg frog jumped only 1 foot.”  “With no legs the frog didn’t move on command.  Conclusion: no legs, frog goes deaf.”

This appears to be the same logic being used to deconstruct Western Civilization today.  All the norms and rules that have evolved over the centuries are being challenged as though no one ever thought of an alternative.  Why male-female marriage?  Why two parents? Why gender?  Why leave your home to work or vote?  Why competition?  Why testing?  Why work to live?  Why national borders?  Why not men in women’s sports? Why can’t a frog jump without legs?

Muslim men reinvented the one-wife family centuries ago in favor of multiple wives.  How is that working out?  Just ask Barrack Obama whose Muslim father abandoned him to return to his harem in Kenya.  Reimagining marriage and family have made 64% of Black families single parent – a quick road to poverty.

How about that true genius Karl Marx who defied human nature by proposing that ambitious people should support lazy people?  His communist theory was the Woke logic of his day and led to one failed country after another.  Red China was headed that way until it learned the ways of cut-throat capitalism. 

A good part of the so-called “progressive” and “woke” logic is a lack of appreciation for how we got here.  History used to teach us how the various civilizations – European, Middle Eastern, Asian, African – came about and interacted. But lately, history has become blatantly judgmental.  The simple fact that Europeans joined the two hemispheres in 1492 is now taught as a criminal venture. That every nation in the world reflects European influence is now considered White exploitation.  Acknowledging that most inventions and medicines came out of Euro-American minds is condemned as “White supremacy.”  Restricting illegal immigration into the U.S. used to be a sane way to preserve our culture and economy; now is it “racism.”

The United States is considered utopia by the vast majority of Earth’s 8 billion people, judging by the endless flood of illegals from 160 countries crossing our southern border.  Can we handle, say, 3 billion illegals?  We haven’t heard of any limits from the Left.  As long as any border violator claims poverty, oppression, or coming for ‘a better life,’ we are told America can handle them, whatever the numbers, no dollar limits.

The corporations that control our news – Comcast (NBC), Viacom (CBS) and Disney (ABC) –inform us nightly that America is an oppressive racist country of White terrorists while, at the same time, urging us to welcome millions of illegals to give them a better life.  Let that contradiction sink in.

I wish the media would broadcast from Lebanon once a week – the poster child of diversity.  Imagine 18 different ethnic and religious groups living in a nation whose capital Beirut (founded by the Romans) used to be called the ‘Paris of the Middle East’.  Identity politics runs that country – every group gets a piece of the government and economy.   According to the Human Rights Watch: “Corrupt and incompetent Lebanese authorities have plunged the country into one of the worst economic crises in modern times. Nearly 80 percent of Lebanon’s population lives under the poverty line… electricity blackouts last up to 22 hours per day…Women continue to face systematic discrimination and violence.” 

Is this where Woke logic is taking us?  Frog legs, anyone? -JLM