I once managed a building in the Jewelry District of Manhattan.  It was a truly multi-ethnic building with retail booths and manufacturing.  One day, a number of my Jewish tenants complained about sneaker prints on the restroom toilet seats.  That was the day I first learned that our immigrant Chinese tenants squatted rather than sat on toilet seats.

The Red China we see today only began modernizing in 1972, when Mao Tse Tung invited President Nixon to visit.  Nixon, and every president afterward (except Trump), let the Communist dragon devour us whole.  Europe did like-wise, all in the deluded hope that capitalism would convert the Asian reds, just as it had the Soviet reds.  American and European corporations yearned for 1.4 billion new customers.  What actually happened was that Red China cajoled, connived, and stole a century’s worth of Western knowledge and technology, gaining 5 billion global customers in the scam.

Chinese Communists are a special breed.  Their eye is always on the prize – to restore the ancient Han “Middle Kingdom,” the center of global trade.  Imported Chinese silk and porcelain helped drain the Roman treasury.  Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus were obsessed with China’s riches, just as our corporations are today.  Mao cleverly used the 1937 Japanese invasion of China, during his civil war with Chiang Kai-shek, to let Chiang’s Nationalists do the heavy fighting.  By 1949, the Nationalists were exhausted and the Communists took control.  Chinese today celebrate the Communist victory over Chiang, rather than the defeat of Japan.

Chinese children are not taught that the United States saved them from the Japanese. Despite our gifting Red China Taiwan’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council, we are remembered as Chiang’s “running dogs”.  We are trashed as enemies during the Korean War, as imperialists during the Boxer Rebellion, and as part of the Western exploitation of China during the 19th Century (back to Presidents Tyler and Lincoln!).  So much for the Flying Tigers, the Burma Road, and the Enola Gay.

In his book The Hundred-Year Marathon, Michael Pillsbury writes that Mao, and now President Xi, are determined not to repeat the mistake of the USSR in allowing the West to undermine Communism.  They have their hooks in our political leaders, influence or extort our corporations, Hollywood, universities, and news and social media.  Over 240,000 Chinese students study at our universities at full tuition.  Even the Chinese space program is geared to target U.S. naval superiority.  Their space equipment is designed not to interface with U.S./Russian standards.  Trump’s new Space Force is aimed at them.  Trump had to go.

The marathon started in 1949, and by 2049 Red China will replace the USA and the European Union as the dominant power on the globe.  The pandemic has accelerated the schedule. Was allowing the Virus to leave Wuhan Airport just a mistake?

Italy was Red China’s beachhead in Europe.  Italians went first and heavily into a Chinese relationship.  Outsourcing substantial manufacturing and settling 321,000 Han Chinese on Italian soil – the largest such community in Europe – Italy unwittingly became the epicenter of the China Virus.  To date, 71,000 Italians have died.  Italy’s proportional death toll is worse than the U.S. Insult to injury, China blames Italians for the pandemic.  Italy’s fatal embrace of Red China will be more devastating than World War II, economically and socially.   Tourism, a major source of income, has collapsed.  Decades ago, remittances by Italian immigrants abroad increased Italy’s wealth.  Today, Chinese Italian citizens send millions of euros out of Italy. 

Italy is selling itself piecemeal to China.  There is even a website called Vendereaicinese (“Sell to the Chinese”) where properties and businesses can be marketed to Chinese investors directly.  China’s central bank holds stakes in several Italian blue chips like Fiat, Telecom Italia, Generali (insurance), and Eni (energy), among others.  As a German Foreign Minister once warned [countries that] think they can do clever deals with the Chinese will come down to earth with a bump.”

Italy has taken the brunt of the China Virus, but one of its sons, Andrea Carfí* – a Sicilian by birth, American by choice – heads the Infectious Diseases Research team that developed the Moderna vaccine to help save Italy and the world. –JLM

[*We thank Italic Institute patron Dr. Joseph Tromba, M.D. for this information.]