Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has become the Benedict Arnold of the Democratic Party for his serial opposition to the utopian Left.  One Biden Administration bureaucrat just labeled Turkey’s President Erdogan “the Manchin of NATO” for impeding the memberships of Sweden and Finland in that defense pact.  Isn’t opposition now a form of insurrection?

Last year, Manchin (origin: Mancini) killed President Biden’s multi-trillion dollar Build Back Better legislation.  He’s been against eliminating the filibuster rule which prevents the Senate from becoming a one-party oligarchy.  Last week, he refused to support a $300 billion bill to support renewable energy and further destroy fossil fuels.  His main gripe is that Congressional spending is making inflation worse.  Besides, coming from a fossil fuel state he doesn’t embrace economic suicide.  And above all, he’s a conservative Democrat, clearly the last of the breed.

Manchin is not a climate change denier.  It’s really about the cure being worse than the disease.  The world is not ready to give up fossil fuels.  Last week, some French nuclear plants had to shut down because the river water used to cool the reactors wasn’t cold enough.  Isn’t nuclear one of the carbon-free solutions?

Manchin and actual climate change deniers fear hysteria more than the end of the world.  Mindlessly predicting such an end by 2030 only feeds the hysteria. 

Did you know that there was no summer in 1816?  The world went cold after an Indonesian volcano erupted and blackened the atmosphere with debris.  Not everyone in the world was aware of the eruption.  An astronomer in Bologna thought the cause of the freak summer was sunspots and predicted that the sun would soon burn out, extinguishing life on earth.  He caused such a panic that the authorities locked him up.  A priest in Naples preached the end was coming and survivors would be eaten by serpents.  He, too, was locked up.

There are three Italian Americans who are speaking out on the current climate hysteria:  Marc Morano, Joe Bastardi, and Joseph D’Aleo.  The latter two are meteorologists, Morano is a political analyst.  All are considered quacks by climate alarmists.  The basis of their denial is: 1. The earth often goes through climate cycles and self-corrects – like with volcanic activity, 2. You can’t judge future climate by the weather, 3. human solutions cannot fix the climate.

Marc Morano

Morano: “There are many factors which impact climate – including volcanoes, wind oscillations, solar activity, ocean cycles, tilt of the earth’s axis, land use, CO2 is just one factor and not the control knob of the climate.”

Joe Bastardi

Bastardi: [responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2020] This decade which is about to end has had 4 major [hurricane] landfalls.  The 1930s had 8 major landfalls; 1940s had 10 major landfalls; 1950s had 11 major landfalls.  While we all know for parts of the west this wildfire season is the worst on record, but for the U.S. nothing matches what was going on in the early part of the 20th century when 5 times more acreage was being burned than any year in the last 10!  This combined with the aforementioned hurricane burst in those years, and the unreal heat and dust bowl far outstrips anything we are seeing around the nation that the speaker is saying is evidence that ‘Mother Earth is angry’ with us and we are in a climate crisis.”

Joseph D’Aleo

D’Aleo:  “Although there is a global warming trend there is not a strong causal relationship between that trend and carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere.  Instead, the global warming trend correlates more closely with other phenomena such as solar activity and ocean current oscillations.” [D’Aleo’s website ICECAP concedes that human habitation – with 7 billion people – affects climate, however, focusing on greenhouse gases is in itself dangerous.]

Truthfully I don’t know who to believe.  Here’s the skinny on the earth’s tilt – how the globe leans toward and away from the sun to give us the seasons.  The tilt varies from 21.5° to 24.5°. Right now the tilt is 23.5° – does that cause anything?  One scientific website site claims this tilt does not cause Climate Change but is a reaction to it as the polar ice melts and water shifts in the oceans.  Confusing?

I can see why Manchin avoids the hysteria.  -JLM