Behind Every Great Man

On May 24th, 2021, music fans celebrated when one of America’s greatest singer-songwriters, Bob Dylan (a nice Jewish Midwestern boy, born Robert Zimmerman in Duluth, Minnesota), celebrated his 80th birthday. It seems hard to believe that this iconic musical...

Origins of White Privilege

So, let’s concede that White economic privilege exists.  But, it may not be what you think, as stemming from discrimination, exploitation, and outright theft.  Rather, it has cultural and historical roots too complex to denounce with a bullhorn. Think of...

Rudy on the Ropes

“America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani has had a couple of tough years.  It all started with his passionate loyalty to Donald Trump, first spearheading a fact-finding mission to Ukraine to expose the political and financial machinations of Hunter Biden, then to...


Variety magazine announced that comedians Ray Romano and Sebastian Maniscalco are teaming up for a “dramedy” about an Italian American high schooler whose love of basketball causes a ruckus within his family. It’s worth re-printing the film’s...

The Date Game

The official end of the Second World War in Europe was May 8, 1945.  I would think that even “woke” Americans would agree that the Allied victory was a good thing for humanity.  But, who knows?  In this topsy-turvy nation, where racism is the measure of...


Prejudice: “an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, or race, or their supposed characteristics.”  – MERRIAM-WEBSTER Dictionary When I mention anti-Italian prejudice, people giggle, though it wasn’t my...