Bread & Circuses

Harry Truman loved to say that the only thing new under the sun is the history you don’t know.  As the United States is making a hard left, Truman’s quote is hauntingly accurate.  They may call themselves “Progressives” but I prefer the label...


Though I found fault with actor Stanley Tucci’s recent CNN series on Italy – largely his irrelevant injection of politics into a food-based show – he is one of the few Italian American actors to publicly challenge anti-Italian movie stereotypes. One of his...

Many Enemies…Pick One

Is Red China to be feared more than Russia?  Can we afford two enemies at the same time?  Which has the most potential to destroy us economically, politically, and socially?  A surprising answer can come from Italian history. As a lifelong student of history, and...

Root Causes

On this July 4th, while we celebrate the most patriotic of holidays, I recall this day on a foreign shore in 1987 honoring the cultural taproot of our American republic.  I wasn’t gazing on the Magna Carta in the British Library, or upon the Parthenon in...

Some Fishy History

Many local newspapers subscribe to the Associated Press daily almanac, a one-column feature that puts current events into historical perspective.  Although the AP is a nonprofit funded by participating newspapers, the bias of those participants flows into AP’s...

Umpteen Demands

The year 2020 was annus horribilis for those of us who value tradition.  The newly minted and half-baked federal holiday called Juneteenth is one result.  It was born of two events last year that changed the direction of our Republic:  the murder of...