The Birth of Wi-Fi

Imagine our world without ‘wireless fidelity’, Wi-Fi for short.  The cell phone, radio, radar, and broadcast television unite the globe using Nature – the very air we breathe – as the medium. Just as Cristoforo Colombo united mankind with that first courageous...

If They Build It, Italians Will Come

What does beautiful Millennium Park in Abuja, Nigeria have to do with Italy? The Internet can be a mind-numbing rabbit hole but sometimes it yields some genuine nuggets.  It started with an old YouTube clip I saw of the Black conservative Thomas Sowell (still...

The Road to Reparations

 “We are all brothers under the skin…” has been attributed to Russian Jewish libertarian Ayn Rand.  The rest of that quote is not so altruistic: “…and I, for one, would be willing to skin humanity to prove it.” For the past few years, the ‘elite’ utopians in...

What Nancy Wants…

Rumor has it that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to cap her career by being the U.S. Ambassador to Italy.  She would be a shoe-in with a Democratic Senate to confirm her if nominated by President Biden. At 82-years-old the posting to Rome would be a...

The Fabulous Fifties?

A family member recently lamented the current chaos of our times – the political, racial, and sexual polarization in the U.S.– with the following comment:  “I’m glad I grew up in the 1950s. Kids were allowed to be kids. You didn’t see this gun...

Victorious Lies

One day at college an African American dorm-mate snidely remarked that the Italian Army was a joke in World War II.  Those were the days just before The Godfather – book and movies – so the main “embarrassment” Italian Americans had to deal with was Mussolini’s...