There have been many concerned citizens over the years who have warned of the death of Western Civilization. They uniformly believe that unfettered immigration from Third World countries would be the means to our end.
Is this ‘the-sky-is-falling’ panic just ludicrous? Assimilation always triumphs, right?
The model for any positive argument can be found in the fall of the Roman Empire. The invasions of Italy by Germanic tribes didn’t extinguish Greco-Roman Civilization. Italians found a way to absorb their conquerors. After all, there were some six million Italic people on the peninsula while the invaders only numbered in the tens of thousands. Our classical civilization was very seductive to the invaders – roads, aqueducts, baths, orderly government, and plenty of diversions and sporting events.
The later Roman emperors (Constantine, Theodosius, and Justinian) eventually found that Christianity, with its “lesser gods” (the saints) to worship, could supercharge the assimilation of pagans. Germanic tribes converted en masse from pagan superstition and accepted the Pope in Rome as God’s representative. Latin remained the standard language in secular education and religion, even as local dialects evolved into modern European languages. This Greco-Roman-Christian blend became Western Civilization: the Rule of Law, Capitalism, Humanism, Social Equality of Women, Science, and the Arts.
Western Civilization transferred well to the New World where the indigenous peoples offered little in the way of alternatives. At the same time Europe underwent a population boom of such magnitude that both North and South America became extensions of Europe. Western Civilization now controlled half the globe. So far, so good.
The West was on a roll! Soon after Columbus, Black Africans were enslaved and brought to the Americas. Many were Muslims but all were forcibly converted to Christianity to hasten assimilation. Similarly, the indigenous peoples were victimized and westernized by the Spanish, Portuguese and Americans. These forced “conversions” are now coming back to haunt us.
Then, there was the whole era of colonizing Africa and Asia. There were plenty of Europeans to dominate the other half of the world. But that ended with the White carnage of two world wars. Today, Europe is still engaging in more population reduction – Vladimir Putin has joined Hitler and Stalin in shrinking our ‘breeding stock.’

With the shrinking of our core population, Europe and America threw open their doors. Former European colonial powers – mainly Britain and France – invited in the Muslims and Hindus they once ruled. In 1965, the United States replaced quotas by country with “chain migration” which allowed legal immigrants to bring in their extended families – parents, siblings and adult off-spring. In 2021, all border controls were dissolved and an estimated 8 million illegals have poured in so far. They represent the cultures of some 160 countries.
The effect of accepting millions of newcomers with precious little assimilation – no military draft, and labeling any requirement for assimilation as “racist, xenophobic, or Islamophobic”- does not bode well.
Anti-Semitism (ignited by the Middle East conflicts) is on the rise here as our Muslim community grows exponentially. The same is happening in France, which welcomed millions of its former Muslim subjects from Algeria and Morocco. Once-peaceful Sweden is in the throes of crime and urban chaos as unassimilated Muslims (now 5-10% of Sweden’s population) take to the streets in gang warfare. The Swedes are in a panic.
With a mixed bag of legal and illegal migrants come many anti-Western values. The utopian Euro-Americans who espouse open borders turn a blind eye to migrants whose culture degrades women, practices genital mutilation and polygamy, or persecutes homosexuals. These utopians believe there are enough dates on the calendar to celebrate every culture.
New York City Public Schools are closed for this menu of ethnic/religious holidays: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish), Yom Kippur (Jewish), Indigenous Peoples/Italian American Day, Diwali (Hindu), Christmas Eve & Christmas (Christian), Lunar New Year (Asian), Good Friday (Christian), Eid al-Fitr (Muslim), Passover (Jewish), and Eid al-Adha (Muslim). Of course, as you see Columbus Day was reimagined…for now.
That last Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha, is the “feast of the sacrifice,” recalling the story of how God commanded Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as a test of faith. Fortunately, it was only a test, and a lamb took the hit instead. Frankly, I don’t like the message of Eid al-Adha. How does a teacher rationally explain to Westernized students that the celebration is about a daddy who wants to kill his son? Class discussion, anyone?
I’d rather explain Good Friday than this holiday. -JLM
For the solution, look no further than the four words minted and printed on the back of any amount of U.S. currency….