The Mosaic at War

A new cable series (AppleTV+) is coming next January paying homage to the bomber crews of World War II.  This collaboration by the two men – Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks – who have been extolling the virtues and sacrifices of the “Greatest Generation” will follow...

Quo Vadis?

My title, a famous movie epic of the 1950s.  It’s Latin for “Where are you going?”  In legend, it was Peter’s question to a vision of Jesus. Ultimately, it was Peter’s call to his own martyrdom. In today’s increasingly chaotic national and international...

Babes in the Woods

As my soon to be seven-year-old grandson gets older I can’t help but measure his progress against my own bygone youth.  Surely, this is a common exercise among parents and grandparents. My grandson is of mixed ethnicity, all Euro-American.  He hasn’t an Italian...

Death by a Thousand Cuts

There have been many concerned citizens over the years who have warned of the death of Western Civilization.  They uniformly believe that unfettered immigration from Third World countries would be the means to our end. Is this ‘the-sky-is-falling’ panic just...

The Media’s Protection Racket

On November 17th, filmmaker Martin Scorsese will be 81.  His soulmate Francis Coppola is already 84.  I’m sure the media have obits prepared on both these octogenarian goombahs.  We can only wait to see what accolades they will pile on, and how many...