St. Antonin

We may never have an Italian American in the Oval Office, but we’ve got some sacred icons. The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court has conjured up the spirit of Justice Antonin Scalia. Conservatives are championing her nomination with a simple...

The Slave Game

Last June, the city of Wilmington, Delaware abruptly dismantled statues of Columbus and Caesar Rodney, signer of the Declaration of Independence, ostensibly to avoid possible vandalism. I only learned of this the other day when President Donald Trump condemned the...

Lend Us Your Ears

They are a staple of modern television, and anyone who has watched political speeches or COVID briefings sees their presence: interpreters for the deaf, standing off to the sidelines to translate important information for non-hearing viewers. Indeed, every September...

Indoctrinating America

Christopher Rufo is a young journalist of Italian stock (Lazio region) who just became the hero of traditional Americans around the country. It only took a guest appearance on FOX News, where he reported on a perverse form of diversity training in federal agencies, to...

Gettin’ Ugly

Whether you label it “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” “Trump-itis,” or just “Dump Trump,” there is a lot of hatred across the country for the man who occupies the White House. It’s not just about political preference. There is something about Donald Trump that evokes...

In a Blaze of Glory

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an Italian American gangster resisting arrest. They all seem to go peaceably when the police or feds come. Did their parents give them “the Talk” before they embarked on their life of crime? The very idea that “capos,” “captains,”...