Where Does Utopia End?

Here’s an election dream for 2024:  Republican Governor Ron DeSantis vs Democratic Senator Joe Manchin.  Both Italian American conservatives with no utopian flights of fancy. DeSantis may have aspirations for the White House, but Manchin (orig: Mancini)...

Raining on Our Parade

In case you missed it, October 9th was Leif Erikson Day.  Since 1964, Public Law 88-566 by Congress recognizes that Nordic Americans were “believed to have been” the first Europeans to settle in America.  This year’s Proclamation of Leif Erikson Day was...

The Real Covid Tragedy

It’s been nearly two years that the world has suffered the tragedy of the China Virus.  This plague has killed close to 5 million people on the planet, including 744,000 Americans and 131,000 Italians.  And, no “experts” see an end in sight.  Even the...

New York City’s Insult to Italians

In killing Columbus Day and replacing it with the hastily contrived Italian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the New York City Department of Education sent a message to the scions of Italy: Drop dead. Imagine the howls of indignation if the DOE similarly demeaned...

Our Intrepid Explorer

Each year the President of the United States issues a proclamation reminding the nation of its debt to the Genovese explorer and the national holiday that affirms it.  This week, President Biden repeated that custom but converted Columbus’s voyage into a...