Celestial Musings

Greta Thunberg, the Cassandra of Climate Change, may be too distracted to realize that the Earth may be too-late-to-save before her 2030 prediction.  An asteroid will be arriving here in 2029 – on April 13th to be exact. Fabrizio Bernardi Co-discovered in 2004,...

Broadway Legends

The iconic Broadway restaurant Sardi’s reopened this week to serve returning theater-goers.  It survived the pandemic with $4.5 million in Covid relief funds.  Hopefully, it will remain open and prosper. During my 30-year career in Manhattan real estate...

Just How Absurd?

Last week, speaking before Democrats at a holiday celebration House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have hit the punch bowl a bit early.  She exclaimed, “Our country could not be more – it could not be better served, than with this most experienced, capable hands than...

It’s A Wonderful Death?

As any proud Italophile knows, Christmas has deep Italic roots. The pagan Roman festival of Saturnalia – a week-long celebration of Saturn, the god of agriculture – was held between December 17 through December 23rd. Citizens put wreaths and other forms of shrubbery...

Dr. Pappagallo

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the highest paid bureaucrat in the federal government – some $500,000 per year. More than the president earns! As the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases with a budget of $6 billion he is also the Chief Medical...

A Murder Mystery

A few days ago, three White men were convicted in a Georgia courtroom of the murder of Black jogger Ahmaud Arbery.  The trial was nationally televised and perceived as racially motivated.  Whether it was actually a hate crime will be determined in a second trial of...