Don’t Throw Christopher Columbus Overboard

The never-ending battle over Columbus Day brings to mind the world’s second oldest profession. As Harry S. Truman noted: “My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.”...

House of Tucci

Part Two of Season Two of CNN’s Searching for Italy began on Sunday, October 9th, the day before Columbus Day. And the first episode was auspicious: the series’ star and tour guide, actor Stanley Tucci, visited the ancestral region of both sets of his...

Islands in Between

Christopher Columbus was a deluded man – thank God!  He convinced himself that he could island-hop his way to Asia.  And many fellow Italians provided the maps that fed his delusion. It started with his own experience as a young sailor venturing out into the...

Mafia, Behind the Times

Think America has a problem with Mexican drug cartels, Chinese fentanyl, random street violence, computer hacking, and scam artists fleecing the feds for billions?  Think again.  The NYTimes recently did half a page on “Nine Charged in Scheme Tied to Mafia...

The Breaking-the-Sound-Barrier Standard

In an era allegedly dedicated to “wokeness” – that is, being attuned to how an American’s race, religion, ethnicity, or sexuality are portrayed in the media – it’s truly astonishing how Americans of Italian heritage continue to slip under the...