Thoughts and opinions on all things Italian

John Mancini – Founder and Executive Director

Behind the Thrones

I how four Italian American ladies figured in recent news stories: Jill Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Gina Raimondo, and Lisa Monaco. You may not know the latter two, but they are among the movers and shakers in Washington, DC. Pelosi saving ...

Bill Dal Cerro, Senior Analyst


In the 1987 film Matewan, based on a true story in 1920s West Virginia, filmmaker John Sayles dramatizes the stand-off between corrupt factory bosses and the coal miners whom they exploited: poor whites (Appalachians, largely of Anglo or Scottish stock), ...

Rosario A. Iaconis, Senior Analyst

The Real Father of the Nuclear Age

What was Christopher Nolan thinking? In directing Oppenheimer, which has garnered 13 Academy Award nominations, Nolan relegates Enrico Fermi — the true architect of the nuclear age — to a bit part. J. Robert Oppenheimer served as the director of ...