Thoughts and opinions on all things Italian

John Mancini – Founder and Executive Director

Man Who Knew Too Much

Imagine someone so outspoken, so contrary to accepted knowledge that authorities had to gag him during his execution so he wouldn’t have the last word. His name was Giordano Bruno, burned at the stake on February 17, 1600. Before Galileo, ...

Bill Dal Cerro, Senior Analyst


A man dies, a city resurrects itself.  The man is the late NBA superstar Kobe Bryant and the city is Rome, aka the Eternal City.  On January 25th, 2020, basketball superstar Kobe Bryant died in a small plane crash near ...

Rosario A. Iaconis, Senior Analyst

Oval Office Aspirants of 2024, Unite!

On Columbus Day, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump should honor America and uphold the ideals of Western civilization by celebrating the epochal voyage of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Ours is a proud multicultural society. But scuttling a storied ...